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Med Care Golden Royal Honey VIP in Wah Cantonment - 03049962538 الشركة

منذ 5 أشهر   خدمات   الرياض   27 مشاهدة رقم الإعلان: 16617

موقعك: الرياض

السعر: 8,000 ﷼

Golden Royal Honey Med Care (One Box*24 sachets)

recognized to be the natural booster supplement for the Testosterone hormone ‘according to the clinical and lab examination’ due to its precise formula which acts as To improve and increase the sexual ability of men Since Caviar is sensitive and perishable, a group of Japanese scientists, specialized in vital nutrition has come up with a creative way to restore and maintain it, by drying the eggs of Sturgeon “Caviar” by drying it, which is somewhat a complicated process and done by exposure to a temperature produced by a certain light wave, in special occasions, for many days, and after cooling it with dry air, it is ground in special machinery with glass fibers, designed for this purpose, to maintain the nutritional and therapeutic features of Caviar to support men’s sexual abilities Med Care Golden Royal Honey VIP in pakistan.

DOSE VITAL HONEY VIP also added the well-calculated extract of the famous Malaysian herb called Eurycoma longifolia, which is famous for improving sexual performance. They also added cinnamon extract, which is filled with minerals and oils that revives the senses and support cells with important energy for metabolism.

DOSE VITAL HONEY VIP is an instant source of energy to enhance male vitality.

Pure honey fortified with selected mixture of rainforest herbs (Tongkat Ali and Ginseng) Nutritious honey enriched with vital biomolecules in, Bee larva Nowadays, most people suffer from stressful lifestyles with overexertion, many face emotional conflicts. The use of stimulants has well-known deleterious side effects.

Many suffer from sexual impotence and premature ejaculation and go for chemical drugs with their dangerous side effects and complications. Herbs have miraculous abilities.

  • For a distinguished sexual activity.
  • No impotence, No infertility
  • Treats improper little ejecta and short sexual intercourse.
  • An instant energy source.
  • Rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, digestive and metabolic enzymes.
  • Enhances nutrient absorption and metabolism.
  • Supports the immune system.
  • For better body muscular build-up.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Enforces memory and brain functions
  • Vital Honey VIP (One box*12)

Med Care Golden Royal Honey VIP Price in  Islamabad- Rs. 8,500 –